
Some tiny programs I've written:

a screenshot of the game

BYOW (Build Your Own World)

A game development project made for CS61B (Data Structures & Programming Methodology). It is a 2D tile-based game where players explore a randomly generating world composed of rooms and hallways based on user seed. The game allows saving and loading the process. There are several additional features implemented: multiple avatars and themes to choose from, interactive sound effects, lighting effects controlled by avatar, and a HUD displaying remaining lives and interactive info.


A version-control system that mimics some of the basic features of the popular system Git. As a simpler implementation of git, Gitlet mainly supports saving the contents of entire directories of files, restoring a version of files or commits, viewing the history of your backups, maintaining related sequences of commits, and merging changes made in one branch into another. All implemented functionalities include init, add, commit, rm, log, global-log, find, status, checkout, branch, rm-branch, reset, and merge.

2023剩下的时间里想学/要学:CSAPP,Assembly Language,Networks.
